Petang tadi aku ade kelas lagi satu. ok la. Lebih kurang 12 orang. 4 orang melayu dengan 8 orang iranian (going to be more and more iranian). Hurm hari ni dapat la berkenalan dengan 3 kawan baru Ms. Mas, Ms. Zura dengan Mr. Adrin.
Minggu ni kelas banyak tak start ape la. Cume discuss coursework through out the whole semester. Then discuss how many assignment we want. Our assessment and the lecturer promise us that he will give us at least B. As long as we do our assessment, attend all classes and sit for the final exam. Lagi satu, subject petang tadi all about programming. Which aku rasa aku dah mula minat dengan programming sejak keje di Texas and deal with all the programming. Haha
Yang paling syioknye tentang subjek ni ialah, soalan final exam dia akan bagi sebelum final and then bile time exam we just need to sit and do whatever we have done previously. As simple as that. Adeh, memang gua cultural shock. Kalau la SPM dulu begini, sure gua boleh dapat 10A1. Kalau kat MMU juga begini, takde la aku selalu kene supple ataupun kene extend.
And I keep thinking, Is it relevant? at MMU, our assessment contribute 40% and final exam contribute 60%. No open book test, no early question distribution. So we really need to struggle for both. But here its very different. You just need to struggle for your assessment and just sit for your final. You will sure pass. If you want to get A, you just need to struggle a bit during final exam. Slightly different. When I turn back time, now I know why we (me and my friend) having a hard time during our study at MMU. Even Kak Hanim pernah cakap, study kat UTM tak sesusah study kat MMU. Huh, Abg angkat Faizal pun cakap. Study kat MMU muntah darah beb. I just syukur that both university selected me as one of the student. Now I know how lucky I am. Alhamdulillah. I'm not regret at all when comparing both university. Its just that I keep Thanks to Allah for giving me both opportunity. I will not thing take for granted. I will strive for excellent.
Pastu petang tadi tak jadi pegi lowyat. Beli kat kedai komputer kat Tesco Ampang je. Tak ape la mahal sikit. Tak kisah pun. Malas nak menghadap jam kat Star Hill time balik keje. Beli yang mana aku rasa cukup untuk keperluan aku. Sekarang ni aku perlu membudget semua perbelanjaan aku.
Malam ni aku nak tido puas-puas. Esok ade keje yang perlu aku selesaikan. Nite. Malam ni layan lagu ape yer. Ape ape jer la. Layan... lagu bunga oleh exist. Syiok gak layan lagu lama2 ni.
1 comment:
Cantik gambar tu.. ala ala kat oversea gitu... ermmm rupa nya cantik gak UPM nie yek.. nanti boleh la jalan2 tgk UPM... sambil2 tu cuci mata tengok "permandangan" yang menarik :)
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