Sunday, October 12, 2008

PruBSN Takaful - Takafulink Cerdik

Nurture their aspiration starting now. Ensure a bright future for them.

The Takaful Concept

Takaful is a mutual assistance certificate based on the principles of shared responsibility, cooperation and common interest. Each participant contributes on the basis of Tabarru’ (donation) into a fund that will be used to support each other in times of need.

Give the proper education for your children

A strong education is the most valuable gift that you can give to your children. However, the increasing education cost in University and life journey that is hard to predict force us to put a side a provision to ensure your children’s education will not be affected. By choosing Takafulink Cerdik, you will be confident that you have already provided them an everlasting whole life gift. There is no other plan that is as complete or as simple as Takafulink Cerdik. That is the reason why this plan is the right plan for you and your children.

Protect The Education and Well Being Of Your Children Future

Takafulink Cerdik Plan is a fixed contribution investment link plan that matured when your children’s ages reach 25 years old. This plan does not only give protection for the education and well-being of your children, it is also flexible enough to suit you and your children ever changing needs.

Now you can give your children two most valuable gifts – education and protection – in one innovative combination of a unique plan.

Basic Benefits

Death: The sum covered and the remaining value in Participant’s Unit Account (PUA)*, Individual Special Account (ISA)** and Investment Unit Account (IUA)*** will be paid should death occur.

* PUA is the account where units are allocated, depending on the amount of linked
contribution paid and surplus and/or profit arising.

** ISA is the account where supplementary benefit contributions and surplus and/or profit arising shall be paid.

*** IUA is the unitized account where Takaful Saver supplementary benefit contribution allocated.

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD): The sum covered will be paid should TPD occur before the age of 25 while the units in your PUA, IUA and the value in your ISA will remain in your account. Should the child die or suffer from TPD before the age of 5, the proportion of the Sum Covered that shall be paid are as follows:

Accidental Death and Disablement: Accident benefits to supplement your main protection plan.

Medical Cover: In the event of hospitalisation due to illness or injury, fixed cash payments will be given for Hospitalisation Assistance, Intensive Care Assistance and Surgical Procedure Assistance.

Major Medical Cover: Provides medical cover for Hospital and Surgical and Outpatient Treatment Benefits in the event of hospitalisation or out-patient treatment due to illness or injury. This also includes Emergency Medical Assistance. Hospital Benefit: Provides daily cash assistance in the event of hospitalisation.

Disability Provider: Benefit payable annually in the event of TPD or critical illness before age 25. Crisis Shield: Provides protection against a critical illness, ready for when you need it most.

Contributor: Pays an annual benefit in the event of critical illness. Payment will cease upon deathof participant.

Parent Contributor: In the event of death, TPD before age 60 or diagnosis of critical illness on the parent of participant, the benefit will assist the participant with future contributions to the Takafulplan. Payment of annual benefit will cease upon death of participant or upon reaching age 25.

Takaful Saver: A regular contribution investment-linked rider for investment purposes only, where the contributionswill be used to purchase units in the Investment Unit Account (IUA). For takaful terms of less than or equal to 20 years, the Takaful Saver rider attachment is made compulsory at a 1:1 ratio to the basic plan.

Takaful Saver Contributor: Pays Takaful Saver contribution in the event of illness of participant.

Takaful Saver Parent Contributor: Pays Takaful Saver contribution in the event of death, total and permanent disability before the age of 60, or diagnosis of critical illness on parent of participant.

For Your Savings Needs

We will also help you plan your savings by providing you with a variety of funds to invest in.

A proportion of your contributions are allocated to buy units from your choice of the Takafulink funds. The contributions are allocated according to the certificate year and its corresponding percentages.

This certificate mayqualify you for the RM3,000 education tax relief.

In the event of non-payment of the regular contributions, the charges will continue to be deducted until such time when the value in the PUA and/or ISA has depleted to zero and the certificate shall be deemed as lapsed.

Choose the Shariah-approved Takafulink funds that suit your investment needs and risk tolerance.

Takafulink Dana Ekuiti: Aims to maximise returns over medium to long term by investing in high quality Shariah-approved shares listed on the Bursa Malaysia. For participants with high risk tolerance and medium to long term investment horizon.

Takafulink Dana Bon: Aims to provide medium to long term accumulation of capital by investing in selected Shariah-approved securities For participants with low to moderate risk horizon and medium to long term investment horizon.

Takafulink Dana Urus: Is a managed fund that seeks to maximise returns over medium to long term. This is achieved by investing inShariah-approved shares and securities through Takafulink dana ekuiti andTakafulink dana bon and in any other such Takafulink funds that may become available in thefuture. For participants with moderate tohigh risktolerance and medium to long term investment horizon.

Past actual performance is not a guide to future performance which may be different. The investment risk of thefunds will be borne solely by you and the performance of the fundsis not guaranteed.

The value of the fund may fall below the amount of contributions you paid depend on the performance of the underlying assets.

Every participant is entitled to share the underwriting surplus and investment profit, if any. Underwriting surplus arising will be distributed to the participants by crediting back to their ISA and buying additional units in PUA while the investment profit will be shared between the participants and the company at a pre-agreed ratio.

The Plan That Gives You More Flexibility****

Vary the amount of Takaful protection for death and disability without affecting your contribution.

Enhance your Takaful coverage by adding critical illness, accident, medical, disability and other supplementary benefits.

Build up a healthy retirement fund by choosing any of the Shariah-approved Takafulink funds that yield a potentially higher return than a bank’s savings account over the long term.

You may switch your investment between Shariah-approved Takafulink funds at any time. The minimum amount that can be switched is RM1,000.

Make withdrawals to meet your changing needs at any time. The minimum withdrawal is RM1,000. It is available provided the value of remaining units is at least RM4,000.

****Subject to terms and conditions

Who can take up Takafulink Cerdik Plan?

Anyone who have children age between 1 and 15 years old can take up the plan. Parents own the certificate and they will match the plan for the benefits of their children.

How do I start?

First, determine your children protection needs, such as their basic cover and other optional and supplemental benefits. Then, decide on an affordable amount to set aside every month. With the Takafulink Plan, you can start protecting your children health and financial future for as little as RM3.33 a day.

For more information/enquiries please contact me:
Zafril (+6012-2421433/+6019-2022839)

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