Sunday, January 14, 2007

Come and go

Its been a hard time when to appreciate someone new, but to loose someone in return. Hate that. I'm so sad. But this is life. Everything started will be ended. I always pray to be strong enough to face all things that happen to me.

I wish that I could stay at that moment forever. But It will never be. As the promise of Allah. What I can do just pray that I have a place in heaven and I always pray that I could meet them there.

Oh damn, what a day. Just started the new year for few days, but i started to feel like this. No matter what, I should stand strong.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Skim Cepat Kaya

Nak berkongsi sedikit mengenai skim cepat kaya. Tak apa la. Berbahasa melayu tak salah. Kali ni nak membincangkan mengenai skim cepat kaya.

Pernah anda dengar mengenai Pak Man Telo dan Fazamal. Itu antara skim cepat kaya yang saya tahu dan saya pernah dengar. Sekadar ingin berkongsi. Sama ada anda mahu mempercayainya atau tidak terpulang.

Bile mendengar mengenai pulangan berganda, manusia mula kelabu mata mendengarnye. Memang adat manusia, nafsu sering menguasai dan melemahkan iman. Tak dapat dinafikan.

Hari ni saya nak berkongsi mengenai Fazamal. Fazamal terkenal di Johor Sekitar tahun 2000. Memang ramai yang menyertainya. Ia menawarkan pulangan berganda. Dalam masa dua bulan, wang yang dilaburkan akan menjadi dua kali ganda. Kalau melabur Seribu, dua bulan kemudian akan jadi 2000. Siapa yang tidak mahu. Sekali mendengar ternganga mulut.

Ahli keluarga saya ramai yang menyertainya. Makcik saya dan pakcik saya. Makcik saya menjadi ejen untuk mencari peserta. Memang ramai yang menyertai. Makcik pujuk mak suruh masuk. Mula-mula mak agak keberatan. Memandangkan setiap pelaburan adalah dalam gandaan seribu. Memandangkan mak ibu tunggal, memang kami tidak mampu. Tambahan pula saya dan adik masih lagi belajar. Memang duit sangat-sangat mendesak pada waktu itu. Mak pula cuma berniaga kuih. Mana ada duit sangat. Setakat lepas duit belanja bulanan saya, beri adik sikit dan kegunaan dia sendiri. Kata orang cukup-cukup.

Puas makcik pujuk mak. Untuk tidak mengecewakan makcik, akhirnya Mak beri 200. Itu pun berkongsi dengan orang lain. Berkongsi penyertaan atas satu tiket. Balik dari rumah makcik, Kami pun lupa pasal 200 yang dilabur oleh mak.

Dua bulan berlalu, makcik jumpa mak. Dia kata duit yang dilaburkan tu dah dapat pulangan. Sekarang dah jadi 400. Makcik tanya nak terus melabur atau mahu diambil. Kami mula kelabu mata. Saya cadangkan pada mak agar biar saja duit tu. Mana lah tahu rezeki, dua bulan lagi boleh jadi 800. Mak pun beritahu pada makcik duit tu kami nak laburkan lagi. Makcik cerita Untie Ros baru melabur 3000.

Mak cerita pada kak long. Mak cerita pada kak long yang kami dapat 400. Kak long cakap, "halal ke duit tu? Duit tu di labur ke mana?". Mak terdiam sekejap. Memang la dia jual telekung, jual sari kelapa (nata de coco) tapi munasabah ke dalam masa dua bulan keuntungan dia boleh mendapat pulangan dua kali ganda. Sedangkan berniaga pun memerlukan kesabaran. Bekerja pun tunggu hujung bulan baru dapat gaji. Bill Gates pun belum tentu mampu bayar pelabur sampai macam tu sekali (kalau satu dunia join la).

Mak cerita pada saya. Terdiam sekejap mak pun berkata, "Mak ingat mak nak ambil duit 200 yang mak labur hari tu. Yang untung tu biarlah. Kalau nak beranak biar dia beranak." Aku setuju dengan kata-kata mak. Manalah tahu dia labur ke kilang arak ke, pusat judi ke. Apa-apa boleh berlaku. Bulan ke empat akan datang kami akan ambil duit 200 yang mak labur tu.

Bulan ke tiga kami melabur, kecoh duit fazamal dibekukan. Akaun digantung buat sementara waktu. Aduh. Bulan keempat pun sama. Mak nak ambil duit 200 dia pun tak boleh kerana duit fazamal dibekukan. Maka kecohlah satu kampung yang melabur berpuluh-puluh ribu. Uncle Bakar mengeluh, Duit simpanan dia selama ni habis macam tu je, sekarang harta dia tinggal anak-anak. Orang kampung pun banyak terpengaruh. Kalau dijumlahkan. Memang lebih dari satu juta. Mungkin 10 juta.

Maka terbongkarlah cerita-cerita yang logik difikiran. Saya ingin berkongsi mengenai kisah disebalik pelaburan ini yang saya rasa faktanya boleh diterima akal. Disebalik pelaburan ini terselit sedikit cita-cita pengasasnya. Mereka memerlukan modal yang besar untuk memulakan perniagaan. Untuk itu dia menggunakan cara penipuan ini untuk mengumpul dana. Cara ini singkat dan mudah. Setelah jumlah terkumpul mencapai angka yang disasarkan. Syarikat ini akan mengishtiharkan yang mereka muflis dan duit itu semua telah pun dipindahkan ke akaun orang lain. Dan sememangnya itulah yang terjadi. Untuk yang menipu ini, mereka memang tidak akan selamat dan senang dunia dan akhirat.

Untuk mereka yang ditipu, jangan menuding jari ke atas orang lain. Mungkin kalian lupa untuk bersyukur dengan apa yang telah dikurniakan. Ataupun kalian lupa untuk berzakat wang simpanan dan pendapatan. fikir-fikirlah. Satu jari menuding orang, tiga kembali kepada kita.

Baru-baru ini saya pulang ke Melaka, kawan saya bercerita mengenai stormberg dan pelaburan seperti ini juga. Memang kelabu mata mendengarnya. Tapi fikirkan semula. Sememangnya produk mereka itu halal. Tapi mampukah jualan produk itu mencapai sasarannya dan mampu membayar semula wang pelabur. Kalau tidak dilaburkan kepada yang haram tidak mengapa. kalau ditempat yang salah. Sememangnya produk yang menjadi jualannye itu yang dikeluarkan. Tapi tahukah anda yang lain kemana. Anda sendiri yang menanggung. Jika satu hari nanti ia menjadi seperti Fazamal? Bagaimana? Saya sekadar berkongsi. Anda yang membaca pasti mempunyai pemikiran dan boleh berfikir. Kerana apa yang berlaku hari esok hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui.

Saya pula bukan la bagus dalam ini semua. Tapi yang pasti, saya berpegang pada kata-kata ini, "Bukan Senang Nak Senang, Bukan Susah nak Susah." Biarlah saya makan gaji. Lambat kaya pun tak apa. Ikut nafsu lesu, ikut rasa binasa. Sekali terkena kita harus beringat. Tak ada jalan mudah mengejar kesenangan hidup. Hidup saya bukan nak mengejar kekayaan. Cukupla saya senang hati, saya dapat gembirakan keluarga, dan yang paling penting, setiap apa yang saya lakukan dan setiap apa yang dikurniakan kepada saya berkat. Hidup penuh dengan keberkatan ni akan selamat.

Saya lebih rela tak kaya dari hilang saudara dan kawan.

Yang Benar

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Rumour

I hate rumour. I don't know why I'll be talked by all the people. Hate this on. When I come to work, what I want to do just work.

Yesterday I had a discussion with Roseline regarding her appearance. She just use one earing on her left side of her ear. So I tell her, "Why you wear only one side?" She answer, "I'm so lazy to wear both side la." Then I ask her, "When you want to wear some girly thing, like fancy earing, Skirts, or baju kurung?" Because her earing just simple and small. Then she lough out loud and say "Never. When I turn to be a young women, I only wear slack and jeans." Our discussion about girly stuff end there.

Roseline left, Then Shanti came and ask me, "What you tell her?" I replied, " No lah, i just ask her to wear some girly stuff." Then Roseline came, "You want to know Shanti, This year he don't want to have any girlfriend." Then I continued, "I just want to found better carreer and by a car and that is Vios." Then Shanti answer, "I heard rumours saying that you where chasing a girl from building one." Cause we are in building three. "You heard that from who?" Then she answer back, "I know la, somebody told me."

Damn it, I never know any girl from that building. When I came to work I only sit in front of the computer without seeing any person. My computer is so far away from people. I only went out it break time or I need to go to toilet. I only go to building one when it come to lunch break time. Else, I will only sit in front of my machine. The worse I have a discussion with the accesories guy. Or my friend Faredi. I don't know how the rumour separated. Even its a rumours, its give me a bad name at TI. Huh, though this year will be my clean year. No rumours. But all started. Maybe she's like me. Just meet me la and tell me the truth. So I can considered everything.

No it can't be. This year no girl. Sorry, wait for 2008 dear. Ahaks. Anyway, to all readers, beware, even you live far away from people, there still a rumours on you.


Friday, January 05, 2007

Come fly with me

I don't know what happen today. When I woke up. I feel like I have lots of energy and I already at the office by 8.00 am. I'm so amaze with myself. There's a lot of things I haven't share with all of you guys. Still in mind My convocation picture. Damn. I nearly forgot everything.

It's been a tough time for me at this moment. Even the new year just started 5 days. Lot of thing happen out of control. I'm so fear with this 2 words at the moment, "Liar" and "Bankrupt".

I forgot everything. Actually I wanna upload everything during my convocation. If possible, I wanna upload my convocation video. Huh, But I don't have much time at the moment.

If you read my blog, its an empty writing. There is no good information lately. Unlike last year, I share a lot of thing with you. But this year, I just want my blog to be like diary for me. Daily diary. If possible I want to write 24 7. So every single moment I could spent my time with my blog. Anyway I got to go. A lot of thing to be done today.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

For The First Time in Mylife

I don't know I made the right decision or not. Might be yes, might be no. I hate to make a decision. But I need to.

Today, I absent for my job. I hate my job for the 1st time ever. All because of my company who use not to pay my salary. Damn it. I hate it when it turn like this. I made a decision to resign with 24 hours notice.

Next week I will start my job in new company. Hope so. Cause I have one interview. This is my second interview. I hope I made it this time. I'm looking for another job. Hard to find even one single interview.

I should ask Allah which one to choose. Yes, He's perfect and He knows the best for me. Thanks for being with me all the time. Thank you Allah.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

1st day work on new year

As usual. I go to work at 9.00am today. Damn bored. Doing something u know, but u don't like. It's like eating something you wish not to. Huh, being a programmer is a nightmare for me. Hope it will be over as soon as possible.

Became worse when my company refuse to pay last month salary. Damn. I hate this kind of people. If they need you, they force to do it. When the time they want to pay the salary, they delay everything.

I always pray one day I get another good job. I always bear in mind. People cannot be trusted. Theres a liar everywhere. Argh! I hate liar. If i could kill liar, I'll kill more than 10 people I guess.

What a bad start. Hope it will be over as soon as possible. I receive another sms from my friend, I want to share with you. "Life is like roads we travel. Some are smooth, Some are rough and some I'd rather forget. But there is one road I won't regret. The road we met and we become friend."


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The 2nd Day of New Year

This is the second day of new year. Damn great New Year. I feel much happier than before. I feel more matured. But I don't have much time.

One of my really good friend, Faizal send me one sms. The sms wrote "Allah answers your prayer in 3 ways, He say Yes and give you what you want, He say No and give you something better and He say wait and give you the best on He's own time."

Last year, I want a lot of thing from Him. Some of it I need to wait. Some I already get It. Some of it I just need to say "Thank you for listening my prayer." He got a lot of prayer to listen. I'm glad He listened mine.

I don't have any plan today. Tomorrow need to start work. New year. Huh. I have a lot of thing to do this year. Change my career, Buy my first own car. I think thats enough for this year.

Married? What? I'm not ready yet for that one. Give me another two years readers. A lot of thing to be done. A lot of thing need to settle. Plus, I'm still single.


Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year... New Life begin...

I was born in 1982. In a small village at Rengit, Batu Pahat. I cry at the time when i was born. You know why. I cry because I need to face everything that happen now. Thats where all my life started.

Time gone so fast. I feel like I still in primary school. Still play fool around. Still keep playing and enjoy everything. But its really meaningful. I never ever been hurt. Just hurt because of my mum. Her slap is good in teaching me at that time.

6 years gone just like that. I continue with my secondary school. Thats the time I start to know love, people that I can trust, people that can call a true friend. 5 years of suffer. Everything is damn great until one day someone blew up everything. I learn a lot and for that time I really hate my life at that moment. I really mean it.

The years of my secondary just pass. I entered university. Damn great university. People keep talking about it. Damn. Do my University that great. Maybe. 5 years of engineering courses. I found my first love which I will never forget. Even its just 1 semester, but it took two years to recover. I fail a lot of subject just because of a girl. Its true that no women no cry. The first crush that I will never forget. I start to know who can be my real friend. My last 3 years is the most precious moment on my campus life. I wish i could turn back time and be there and taste the happiness once again.

Now Everything just pass. Twenty five years of Excellent, Success, Happiness, Sadness, etc.

My 1st day of 2007 start with happiness. I wish I could be happy and taste the short life. I meet new friend. But I'm not sure they can be true friend or not. Let time decide. Actually I don't trust anybody. Thats me.

I go to Mid Valley. For the 1st time in my life I bought planner. HSE Executive on the way. I should prepare everything. Huhu.

For all visistor, I wish all of you Happy New Year, My this New Year Bring Joy and Happiness to all of you. May Allah bless me and all of you. Amin.
